You Can’t Do Someone Else’s Work for Them.


When it comes to life, growth and healing can only happen from the inside-out.  One on hand, this can seem like an unfortunate truth that we can’t do someone else’s work for them.  After all, there are so many aspects of life where we can, like filling up our partner’s gas tank, or doing their laundry.  But, when it comes to our spiritual and personal growth work, that work can be supported by a qualified person, but can’t be done by anyone but you.

Change comes from within. 

One of the more fascinating things about life is that what we experience on the outside is a reflection of what we experience on the inside.  Sometimes these things are extremely hard for us to understand without having to project them onto some sort of external reality.  This creates some distance, both literally and figuratively, between us and thing that we needed some help with understanding.  This can happen both with regards to the positive and the negative.  This effect is something that we have little control over, but thankfully, we are not out-of-control of everything.

So what can we do about it?

Although we cannot take control of what we project onto others, we can take control of our awareness of it.  Most of the time, our projections happen from our sub-conscious, they get sent out from a place that is hard to be attuned to and aware of.  I believe that a person is able to train their awareness, like strengthening a muscle.  I believe that a person can actually notice that what they are experiencing with regards to the external world is actually a part of their own self that is wanting attention, wanting to be seen.  Sometimes this is actually the only way for us to be able to see those parts of ourselves that linger in the shadows.  Sometimes that work is what is needed to be able to fully integrate the parts of ourselves that didn’t get the attention they wanted or deserved when we were younger.

Interested in learning more about yourself?  Contact James today for a free consultation to see how we can work together!